Problem Solving With Construction: Questions, Quandaries, Answers and MoreProblem Solving With Construction: Questions, Quandaries, Answers and More

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Problem Solving With Construction: Questions, Quandaries, Answers and More

A lot of problems can be solved with construction. Need more space in your home? It may be time to build an extension? Need to improve traffic flow in your community? Cue a road designer and a roadworks crew. Need a place to live? Construction can provide you with a new home. This blog looks at some common issues and explores how they can be solved with construction. Then, it delves into issues that may pop up whilst doing construction an gives you tips for getting past them. If you're thinking about starting a project or just want to learn about construction, this blog is a great place to start.

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Five Signs Your Freezer Room Needs Refrigeration Repair

Freezer rooms are an essential part of the food service industry. They maintain the cold temperatures necessary for proper food storage and for keeping items such as frozen pizzas and ice cream bars from melting. But if your freezer room is malfunctioning, you can't count on it to keep your food safe.

Here are five signs that your freezer room needs refrigeration repair:

1. There Is Ice Formation Inside of Your Freezer Room

If ice forms inside of your freezer room and on top of the coils, then this is a sign that there is too much humidity in your freezer room. You may need to adjust your humidifier so that it does not create too much moisture in your freezer room or repair any leaks if there are any present in your system's ductwork or tubing.

2. The Freezer Is Too Cold

If your freezer room is too cold, it means that it's not getting enough heat from the compressor and condenser coils. This could be caused by a broken defrost timer or defrost heater or by a failed compressor or condenser coil.

3. Condensation Builds Up Inside Your Freezer Room

Condensation buildup inside your freezer room can indicate that there is either too much moisture in the air or too much humidity present in the area where you live or work. You may want to consider installing an exhaust fan so that when your unit runs, it pulls any excess moisture out of the air before it gets into your food. Chat with an expert about refrigeration repair or freezer room construction to fix this problem.

4. You Notice A Musty Smell

If you notice a musty smell coming from your refrigerator or freezer room, it could be a sign that there's something wrong with the refrigeration unit. The smell might be coming from mold or other microorganisms that have grown in the vents or even on the coils themselves. This means that there needs to be more air circulation and better insulation for your unit to function properly to prevent further damage from occurring.

5. The Door Won't Close 

A gap between the hinge area and the door itself can allow for heat to escape from inside the unit, affecting its temperature control abilities. This may also lead to condensation forming on surfaces near the opening (like floors), which could lead to more serious issues down the road if not addressed immediately.

If you notice any of the above five signs, chat with a professional about freezer room construction and refrigeration repair today.